319In Truman Kewley's disturbing psycho-thriller debut, a sociopathic amateur film-maker kidnaps the woman he wants to play his fantasy girlfriend role. -
829In Truman Kewley's disturbing psycho-thriller debut, a sociopathic amateur film-maker kidnaps the woman he wants to play his fantasy girlfriend -
937当一位迷人的高管向她许诺财富和荣耀,要求她抛弃最好的朋友和写作伙伴时,歌曲作家布鲁克必须做出一生中最重要的决定。 -
573THE PLAYROOM unfolds like a dream wrapped around a family drama: four children in their attic hideaway make up a fantastic story, while downstairs t -
130焦急的母親菈葵兒(艾瑪蘇雷茲飾演)到銀行借錢,她必須在24小時內籌到35000歐元(約新台幣130萬元),否則她將再也見不到心愛的女兒。經過不斷懇求,銀行終於同意借款給她救急。不料在貸款手續快要完成之時,兩個蒙面搶匪闖入銀行,不但搶走所有錢,就連在場所有顧客與行員都成為人質。在分秒必爭的險境當中 -
222After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him -
新生欢迎周 大学恐怖故事合集
393After his four siblings mysteriously die in their first weeks of college, a paranoid freshman must put his fears aside when a masked killer picks him -
967Sam is an emotionally reserved college freshman going through a very rough time. But when a tragedy occurs, he learns to express himself clearly. -
7421845年,尚年幼的维克多与詹姆斯兄弟俩在长辈之间一场突如其来争执中唤醒了自身的潜能,詹姆斯情急之下将陌生的生父杀死,自此兄弟两人流落战场,他们凭借不死不衰之身和野兽一般的天赋在各个时代的战争中大开杀戒,直到遇见史崔克少校并加入了他的异能人特殊部队。詹姆斯(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman -
664From war, Japan began to show technological prowess like the world had never seen. After a shocking betrayal, Sony founded that which would become t