76本片将围绕马丁(米科尔森饰)和他三个朋友展开,这四个高中老师为了摆脱日常的循规蹈矩,开始了一项持续醉酒的实验。虽然计划最初很成功,但最终失败了。 -
604斯文德和贝安是一对有着各自伤心事的难兄难弟,他们是一家肉制品店的屠夫,经常受到刻薄老板的冷嘲热讽,二人一气之下索性破釜沉舟拿出全部身家,合伙开了一家属于自己的店铺。阴差阳错机缘巧合之下,斯文德把冻死在冷库的电工大腿切下来,当成鸡肉卖给了自己从前的老板。没成想老板的烧烤聚会之后,斯文德的秘制“鸡肉”成 -
UFO Sweden(瑞典语版)
926And暂无内容follows暂无内容a暂无内容teenage暂无内容rebel暂无内容placed暂无内容in暂无内容foster暂无内容care,暂无内容who暂无内容suspects暂无内容that暂无内容her暂无内容father暂无内容is暂无内容not暂无内容dead,暂无内容but暂无内 -
220影片改编自1954年同名畅销小说《无名战士》,讲述了一队芬兰士兵在苏芬战争中的故事。 -
761In Swedish film collective Crazy Pictures feature "Den blomstertid nu kommer" Sweden faces a mysterious attack while Alex tries to reunite -
999Elliott, a young fisherman with an extraordinary voice, gets the chance of a lifetime when he is discovered by the successful high-profile music manag -
UFO Sweden(瑞典语版)
814And follows a teenage rebel placed in foster care, who suspects that her father is not dead, but has been kidnapped by UFOs. With the help from a UFO -
UFO Sweden(瑞典语版)
316And follows a teenage rebel placed in foster care, who suspects that her father is not dead, but has been kidnapped by UFOs. With the help from a UFO